SSA in the Gazette – January 28th!

Check out a great article featuring our Executive Director Mary Lee Anderson on the front page of the Alexandria Gazette! The article highlights nonprofits in Alexandria and how they have adapted to the challenges of Covid-19. Just click here to read the article!

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SSA in the January Zebra!

The amount of older adults facing unemployment since the arrival of Covid-19 has increased significantly. This month’s Zebra Press publication features an article concerning this increase and a new program called the Rapid Reskilling Cohort that is aiming to reduce unemployment in our older adult population. This

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CV19 Educate America Campaign

The CV19 CheckUp, an online system developed to help Americans be safer, healthier, and ensure their individual needs are met during the pandemic. CV19 CheckUp asks users to complete an easy, quick, confidential questionnaire. A personalized report is immediately provided, outlining the user’s level of risk and

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SSA in December Zebra!

The December edition of the Zebra paper includes an article on page 54 to see more information on SSA’s January 22nd Virtual Speaker Series!  Page 55 has the story on SSA’s November Drive Thru Volunteer Luncheon! Click here to read it!  

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