Mary Lee Anderson

 Read about SSA’s highlights, expanded programming and financial picture:

2022-2023 Highlights

Senior Services of Alexandria has been busier than ever this year!  Our major programs continue to grow in many ways:  The Sponsored Meals program for lower-income older adults has tripled thanks to generous grants and individual donations to the Kerry Donley Memorial Fund; Volunteers for the Friendly Visitor Program are back to weekly in-person visits, helping reduce the impact of social isolation; More SNAP clients  are receiving free groceries each month thanks to SSA’s partnership with ALIVE; and the audiences for our Speaker Series events are back to pre-pandemic levels.

We are particularly excited about the connections made with Spanish and Amharic speaking residents in Alexandria.  Support from the City and grants allowed us to hire staff who are part of these vibrant communities, and they are sharing information about Alexandria’s programs for older adults at food hubs, faith-based organizations, senior housing facilities, recreation centers, and in our monthly newsletter.

This work happens thanks to the wonderful support of more than 500 volunteers, dedicated staff, and the generosity of the Alexandria community.  Thank you very much for making it all this possible!

Mary Lee Anderson
Executive Director