Here is your weekly SSA Connection – Hope you enjoy!

Building a Museum of Museums on the Web

Imagine being able to see artwork in the greatest museums around the world without leaving your chair. Driven by his passion for art, Amit Sood tells the story of how he developed Art Project to let people do just that. Click here.

How to Make a Good Meatless Chili

This meatless chili is packed with so much classic chili flavor that you won’t even notice that there’s no meat! Click here to get started.

7-Minute Yoga for Older Adults

This follow-along yoga workout for older adults builds strength, improves flexiblity, and boosts balance. Click here.

National Archives – SInking of the Titanic

Titanic documents in the National Archives reveal dramatic details of the ship’s sinking. In this Inside the Vaults video short, Archives employees and volunteers discuss their favorite documents, including depositions of surviving passengers, blueprints of the ship, claims of loss and photographs. Often in the first person, the documents tell the story of the sinking in dramatic detail. Click here for this interesting video.

Upcoming Alexandria Library

How to Catch Better Zzz’sTuesday, January 12: 3:00 – 4:00pm

Start the New Year by finding out all the benefits sleep has to offer, as well as strategies to get better sleep, from Kristen McGill, a registered dietitian and in-store nutritionist with Giant Food.  Click here to register.

Sustainability in Alexandria – City and Home Efficiency Upgrades  Tuesday, January 12: 7:00 – 8:00pm

Experts will address easy ways to cut your energy bills while keeping your home or apartment sustainable and comfortable. Click here for more information and to register.


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