SSA in the November Zebra!

Please check out the November Zebra!  Page 39 has a wonderful picture of Executive Director Mary Lee Anderson with Vice Mayor Amy Jackson alongside Jen Ferrara and Jane Plitt from SSA’s Oktoberfest!  Page 70 has an article about the upcoming Senior Living in Alexandria speaker series event.

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SSA in the Gazette

Check out this week’s Gazette!  On page 3 is a terrific article about SSA’s upcoming Senior Living in Alexandria Speaker Series event on Tracing Your Roots Through Genealogy. Click here to register or call 703-836-4414 ext. 110. Also, check out page 6 to see former SSA Board

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SSA’s Upcoming Speaker Series in the Gazette!

Click here to check out this week’s Gazette!  Page 5 has a wonderful article about SSA’s next Speaker Series topic: Senior Technology Programs and Preventing Scams and Frauds The event will be on Thursday, October 20th at Beatley Library at 10am. Click here for more information and

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SSA in the October Zebra!

Click here to check out this month’s Zebra! Page 56 has a terrific article on SSA’s upcoming speaker series (click here to register or learn more information!). Page 57 has a wonderful article about how SSA helped the City celebrate its Centenarians!

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Celebrating the City’s Centenarians!

On September 13th, SSA partnered with the Commission on Aging and the City of Alexandria to honor the City of Alexandria’s Centenarians. Cllick here to read the article from the Alexandria Times. Frances Webb and her guest Walter Hammersley and his family Centenarians Anita Du Mars and

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SSA in September Zebra!

Click here to check out Senior Services of Alexandria in the September Zebra (page 56).  This month’s Zebra has the schedule  of events for SSA’s 2022-23 “Senior Living in Alexandria” Workshops.

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Kerry Donley

Alexandria has lost a dedicated public servant, community leader and friend. Kerry Donley’s leadership of SSA’s Board was extraordinary and was matched by his commitment as a meals on wheels volunteer. He will be greatly missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Please click

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