Mary Lee Anderson, SSA’s Executive Director, was recently featured on Comcast’s “Newsmakers” talking about the upcoming January speaker series that SSA is cosponsoring with AARP about Caregiving. She also spoke about SSA’s great volunteers and their contributions to the well being of seniors in the city of
Read more →This week’s Alexandria Gazette Packet featured an article about SSA’s recent Volunteer Luncheon. Honored for their service to SSA programs were Kathy Stenzel for Meals on Wheels; Diane Stoy for the Friendly Visitor Program; Mary Pat Woodman for the Groceries to Go program, and Gary Hacker for his
Read more →This week’s Gazette Packet features an article by John Porter, President, ACT for Alexandria, about the November 18th speaker series on “Finding Your Passion: Leaving A Legacy.” The event takes place at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2701 Cameron Mills Road, on November 18th from 10 am – noon,
Read more →Our November episode of Senior Living in Alexandria is up! Click here to hear John Porter, Executive Director of ACT for Alexandria, Laurie Blackburn’s financial tips, and Rodney’s fitness demonstrations. Mary Lee Anderson also gives a summary of SSA’s November calendar. This is an episode you don’t
Read more →The Oct 29th edition of the Alexandria Gazette Packet features the graduates of the First Class of the Senior Academy receiving their certificates from Mayor Bill Euille at a recent City Council meeting. The Mayor charged the seniors to go out and get involved! To read the
Read more →This week’s Alexandria Gazette features an article on SSA’s Groceries to Go Program and the call for volunteers. This newest program is helping seniors ease the burden of shopping for groceries. Read the article on page 23 at groceries to see how you can volunteer and make a
Read more →This week’s Alexandria Gazette’s “Senior Supplement” features an article “Addressing Geriatric Medicine” (Page 7) calling attention to the upcoming Oct. 17th Senior Law Day keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Lindsay. To read the article click on To register for Senior Law Day click on SeniorLawDay.
Read more →Check out this month’s program featuring Chris Wright from the Alexandria Bar Association talking about Senior Law Day taking place on October 17th at First Baptist Church in Alexandria from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. This year’s program is about Family Law for Seniors: Planning Early and
Read more →This week’s Gazette featured an article by Chris Wright of the Alexandria Bar Association talking about the upcoming Senior Law Day event on Saturday, October 17th at First Baptist Church on King Street from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm. To find out more about the day’s event you
Read more →The August 26th opening reception of the 2015 Young at Art Exhibition welcomed community members and artists to a fun evening with great senior art! The exhibition is open at the Durant Arts Center until November 20th. To read the article that talks about a woman who didn’t
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