Here is your weekly SSA Connection – Hope you enjoy!
A New Mission for Veterans — disaster relief
After fighting overseas, 92 percent of American veterans say they want to continue their service. Meanwhile, one after another, natural disasters continue to wreak havoc worldwide. What do these two challenges have in common? In telling the story of his friend Clay Hunt, Jake Wood from Team Rubicon reveals how veterans can contribute to disaster response — and regain their sense of purpose, community and self-worth.
Click here.
Laura in the Kitchen – Deviled Eggs Recipe
Check out Laura Vitale’s deviled eggs recipe. A perfect dish to bring to cookout and summer barbeques.
Click here.
Silver Sneakers: Whole-Body Wellness Challenge
Silver Sneakers instructor Shannon Thigpen shares fun and beginner-friendly ways to add variety to your walking routine.
Click here.
History Channel: History of Memorial Day
Learn more about the history of Memorial Day.
Click here.
Upcoming Alexandria Library and Other Events
Low Vision Resource Group – Friday, May 27: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Charles E. Beatley Jr. Central Library – Large Meeting Room
Orientation & Mobility (O&M) training is an important piece of the vision rehabilitation puzzle. Instructors teach us the effective ways to safely navigate in public, on transit, and more!
Click here.
Line Dancing Basics – Tuesday, May 31: 11:00am – 12:00pm Ellen Coolidge Burke Branch Library – Meeting Room
Learn basic line dance steps while you workout to Golden Oldies music. This is a great class for beginners. Bring a friend or come alone. Please wear comfortable shoes and clothing.
Click here.
Freedom House Museum Reopens May 27
The Freedom House Museum will reopen to the public on May 27. The building, located at 1315 Duke Street, was once part of the headquarters for the largest domestic slave trading firm in the United States. From 1828 to 1861, traders trafficked tens of thousands of enslaved adults and children through 1315 Duke Street. Tickets are required.
Click here.
Senior Law Day – Saturday – June 4 – 8:30 am – 12:30 pm,
First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street
The 2022 Senior Law Day is back in person on Saturday, June 4 starting at 8:30 am at First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street in Alexandria with the theme of “What I Wish I Knew.” Attendees will hear from:
*Estate planners, financial experts and senior resource specialists sharing their knowledge about how to plan ahead to avoid crisis-driven decisions, including updated Wills, Medical Directives and Powers of Attorney.
*Local experts will share information about how Medicare, Medicaid and Long-Term Health Care work.
*Options for “aging in place” including in-home care, local support services, and end-of life decisions.
The keynote speaker is Steve Gurney, founder and publisher of the Positive-Aging Sourcebook and one of the region’s leading experts on aging. Steve Gurney will be talking about the importance of understanding the options available for older adults and their caregivers and why advance planning is so important.