Here is your weekly SSA Connection – Hope you enjoy!

The tech we need to fight workplace ageism

From exoskeletons and robotic arms to the mass adoption of remote work, economist Piyachart Phiromswad explores what seniors need to overcome the physical, mental and societal barriers to employment, a necessary shift in our rapidly aging world. Learn more about how these tools could empower elderly workers and better the world — for everyone.
Click here.

Italian Wedding Soup with Tortellini

Check out Laura in the Kitchen’s delicious fall recipe.
Click here.

5 Exercises for a Strong Core

Engage the abdominal muscles with 5 exercises you can do seated or standing. Grab an exercise ball if you have one and start feeling the burn in your core!
Click here.

Inside the Vault at the US Archives “Headhunters” and Diplomat John Paton Davies

This Inside the Vaults video short examines one of U.S. diplomat John Paton Davies’ papers, showing primitive, childlike sketches whose meanings were unclear. It was later discovered that he drew them to try to communicate with indigenous Burmese tribal members known as the Naga, believed to be headhunters.
Click here.

Upcoming Alexandria Library and Other Events

Beatley Friends Book Sale – Friday, October 20: 10:00am – 4:30pm Charles Beatley Jr. Central Library

Support Beatley Library and shop a selection of thousands of books, DVDs, CDs, and more at the Beatley Library Friends’ Book Sale!
Click here.

Current Events – Discussion Group – Tuesday, October 24: 2:00pm – 3:00pm – Virtual – Zoom

Join us on Zoom for a current events discussion on the 4th Tuesday of the month.
Click here.

Drug Take Back Day – October 28 – 10 am – 2 pm – various locations

Drug Take Back Day is on October 28 – 10 am – 2 pm. If you need to dispose of unused or expired medications including pet medications, see the attached flyers in English and Spanish for details and locations to drop off medications.
Click here.

OKTOBERFEST @ John Carlyle Square, Saturday, October 21 · 11am – 5pm – John Carlyle Square – 300 John Carlyle Street

Celebrate Oktoberfest @ John Carlyle Square in Old Town Alexandria!
Click here.