Here is your weekly SSA Connection – Hope you enjoy!

The Biggest Mistakes in Map-Making History

For thousands of years, people made both functional maps and what are known as cosmographies, illustrating the earth and its position in the cosmos, often including constellations, gods, and mythic locations. These maps were meant to depict the world’s geography, but weren’t necessarily useful for navigation and contained some glaring mistakes. Kayla Wolf shares mapmaking’s biggest blunders.
Click here.

Preppy Kitchen’s Fluffy Pancakes

The Preppy Kitchen is back with this perfect, fluffy pancake recipe that is so easy and ultimately rewarding! You’ll love these tender melt in your mouth pancakes with a drizzle of maple syrup.
Click here.

4 Exercises to Help Prevent Falls with SilverSneakers

Check out these exercises to help with balance and strength.
Click here.

National Gallery Art Talks – Luca Giordano’s ‘Perseus’ in 10 minutes

Letizia Treves, curator at the National Gallery in London, discusses Giordano’s ‘Perseus turning Phineas and his Followers to Stone’.
Click here.
Upcoming Alexandria Library and Other Events

Meet Your Wildest Bird Neighbors – Secret Garden Birds and Bees
Saturday, May 21: 1:30pm – 2:15pm – Ellen Coolidge Burke Branch Library – Outdoors

Join Secret Garden Birds and Bees to learn about the birds of prey living right in your own backyard. Click here.

Current Events – Discussion Group – Wednesday, May 25: 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Join us on Zoom for a current events discussion on the 4th Weds. of the month. Email to join our email list and get details on this month’s topic.
For more information, click here.

Senior Law Day – Saturday – June 4 – 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street

The 2022 Senior Law Day is back in person on Saturday, June 4 starting at 8:30 am at First Baptist Church, 2932 King Street in Alexandria with the theme of “What I Wish I Knew.” Attendees will hear from:
*Estate planners, financial experts and senior resource specialists sharing their knowledge about how to plan ahead to avoid crisis-driven decisions, including updated Wills, Medical Directives and Powers of Attorney.
*Local experts will share information about how Medicare, Medicaid and Long-Term Health Care work.
*Options for “aging in place” including in-home care, local support services, and end-of life decisions.
The keynote speaker is Steve Gurney, founder and publisher of the Positive-Aging Sourcebook and one of the region’s leading experts on aging. Steve Gurney will be talking about the importance of understanding the options available for older adults and their caregivers and why advance planning is so important.
The event is free and Click here to register.
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