The Division of Aging and Adult Services of the City of Alexandria offers a Caregiver Support Group on the first Wednesday of each month at the Adult Day Services Center from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Participants are full-time caregivers or family members or friends providing part-time caregiving. Participants share their experiences, provide support for each other and receive resources to assist them with caregiving. To register, contact Jennifer Sarisky at 703.746.6024. September’s topic is “Dealing with Anger and Frustration.”

Senior Services of Alexandria, Griswold Home Care and Immanuel Church on the Hill offer a Caregiver Support Group the second Thursday of every month at 6:30pm (Sept. 13, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 and Dec. 13) at Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, 3606 Seminary Rd. Alexandria VA 22302. Join us or call 703-739-2273 for additional details.

Insight Memory Care Center offers monthly classes for caregivers on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 1-3pm. Sign up here.